Pre-Assessment: Week 1
- Looking back to my early childhood education, I don't think there was very much differentiation going on. I grew up in a very homogeneous community where the majority of the students were white and came from an affluent family. It was very long time ago and my memory is fuzzy, but I remember a lot of dittos! There was little to no collaborative grouping and instruction was always whole group. Differentiation was better in high school as the classes were grouped by levels; advanced, regular, and remedial.
- My experience with differentiating instruction as a teacher has been very positive. I have been fortunate enough to work in districts where this has been a focus and there have been plenty of trainings on various ways to implement strategies for differentiating instruction. This class has opened my eyes to so many things that I actually do that is differentiating instruction. After so many years, many of these strategies become second nature, not even realizing I am differentiating my teaching.
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