Sunday, June 5, 2016

Assignemnt 1B - 21st Century Skills

Teachers Level I Self-Assessment 

In the first section of the Teachers Level 1 Self-Assessment,  I realized that there are only a couple areas where I need to brush up on which I felt little proud of myself.  The two areas are in the Windows Operating Systems, 4k: I can run and know when to run an anti-virus software program and 4l: I can add or remove programs from my computer.  I have no idea how to do either of these things.  I am adept at all the skills in the Word Processing section. These are the skills necessary to complete papers and assignments when in school where I have definitely spent many years of my life doing. I learned that I am also adept at the Internet skills set.  I feel these skills have become basic skills in our everyday life. I am also very skilled In the Communications (E-mail) section. Another basic skill in our everyday life.  I have been using the internet for multiple decades and don’t know how I would live without it.

Teachers Level II Self-Assessment

This section covers Computer Network, Computer Terminology, Hardware & Software, and Windows Operating System/Basic Operation. I was unpleasantly surprised at how much I did not know in this area of technology.  Whereas in Level 1 I felt very comfortable with the skills, I feel very inept in the Level II’s skills set in this area.  In the section Internet,  Word Processing, Presentation Software and Spreadsheets, I feel strong in the Internet and Word Processing areas, but fall short in the Presentation Software and Spreadsheet areas. Being a first grade teacher, I don’t really know how necessary it is for me to create spreadsheets and presentations.  I may wrong but I feel that is more for upper grade teachers. I am very familiar and comfortable with the skills in Productivity and Professional Practice and Social, ethical, and human issues. However, there is one skill, 1g: I can explain the purpose of AUPs to students and teachers, that I have no idea about.  I don’t even know what the acronym AUP stands for so this is a skill that I am lacking.

Teachers Level III Self-Assessment

There are many ways that I integrate technology in the classroom; such as, I design student learning centers on my computers. There are programs that focus on first grade math standards and reading standards that I use regularly. I also use my computer stations for children to conduct simple basic research. This occurs more at the second half of the year when most students have the ability to read. The area I am working to improve is creating units that incorporate technology that help students address real-world problems and issues.  I really believe in Project Based Learning as I have learned more and more about it in my Masters classes at National University.  It is not an easy shift in the way of teaching, but it is something I am working hard to try and implement into my teaching. Lastly, I feel quite comfortable in the Network and Internet, Social, Ethical, and Human Issues skills. 

Assignment 1A - Digital Literacy

I would describe myself as a limited 21st Century learner. Although I think technology, problem solving, creativity, communication, and critical thinking are all crucial skills, especially in this rapidly changing world we live in, I have a hard time with implementing these skills.  It is, often times, challenging for me to change my mindset in this “new” way of teaching, going from “The Sage on the Stage” to a facilitator.  My school is trying to become an IB school and I am truly trying to help create our PYP units but it is a completely different way of thinking. I am hoping with more trainings and experience with these types of units that it will become second nature eventually.  

I was definitely born before 1982 which makes me a digital immigrant.  I feel comfortable with many digital devices , such as the computer, phone, document camera, and tablet. However, I still do not utilize all that each has to offer.  I am a bit apprehensive when it comes to teaching with technology when it goes beyond the use of the Elmo, Youtube, computer programs and apps. I don’t really know if much more than that is appropriate for first graders anyway.  

Students are all so different and come into the classroom with a variety of background knowledge and experiences. It is important that we differentiate teaching for all types of learners and a great way to do this is by utilizing technology. 21st century teaching is about making a learner centered classroom where the students are intrinsically motivated to learn. 

I may not have my first graders blog, make movies, create a power point presentations etc., but I do utilize technology and devices that I feel is helpful for students success.  I research new apps and websites regularly as new ones are created all the time. If its is Common Core Aligned and engages students I incorporate it into my teaching right away.  As I review the apps and websites, I realize there are MANY ones that are either boring, not challenging enough, or doesn’t cover the standards. This is where a teacher needs to use critical thinking when reviewing technology for her students.

I feel that I am a 21st Century teacher in that I enjoy collaborating and working with my grade level team.  I feel if this is a skill we are trying to teach our students for their future success at the work place, then I need to exemplify this skill. There are so many rapid changes education is undergoing, it is more effective when I can share ideas and knowledge with colleagues.  Sharing your expertise and experience, communicating and learning from others, and being able to self-reflect is an important part of the learning and teaching process.